In Netflix’s animated take on the iconic franchise, Terminator Zero unleashes yet another gripping war between humans and machines. The series, set to captivate fans of the sci-fi genre, revisits the harrowing moment in 1997 when Skynet, an AI, gains self-awareness and initiates a mission to annihilate humanity. The narrative masterfully intertwines two pivotal timelines, 1997 and the war-torn year of 2022.
In the heart of this epic battle, soldier Eiko, portrayed by Sonoya Mizuno, is thrust into a mission that spans decades. Eiko’s task: to travel back in time and shield scientist Malcolm Lee, played by André Holland, who is on the brink of developing an AI to combat Skynet’s relentless onslaught. Lee’s journey is fraught with moral dilemmas as he navigates the complexities of his creation while being relentlessly pursued by a deadly assassin from the future.
“You can’t see it yet, but you’ve been on a collision course your entire life,” Eiko’s voiceover hauntingly intones. “There’s no going back, not really. It will never, ever stop.”
Dive into the relentless battle for survival in Terminator Zero, where the fate of humanity hangs in the balance.
Watch Terminator Zero Trailer
The Terminator Zero trailer provides us with glimpses of Timothy Olyphant’s Terminator, on a ruthless mission to eliminate Lee.
Netflix Terminator Zero Release Date
Terminator fans won’t have to wait too long as the 8-episode series will premiere on Netflix Australia in August with a release date for August 29th.
Terminator Zero Cast
The voice cast shines with Rosario Dawson voicing Kokoro, an AI bot, and Ann Dowd as the Prophet, a philosophical leader spearheading the resistance against AI domination.
- Timothy Olyphant (Justified, Deadwood) as The Terminator
- Rosario Dawson (Ahsoka, Common Ground) as Kokoro
- André Holland (Moonlight, The Knick) as Malcolm Lee
- Sonoya Mizuno (House of the Dragon, Crazy Rich Asians) as Eiko
- Ann Dowd (The Handmaid’s Tale, MASS) as The Prophet
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