You think you know Harry Potter?
Calling all Potterheads!
So, you’ve watched all the Harry Potter movies and read all the books and you think you know your stuff?
You may not be able to enter the Triwizard Tournament, but can you rise to the challenge of this ultimate Harry Potter quiz? (You won’t have to face any dragons, don’t worry).
Take your wizarding status to the next level with our Goblet of Fire quiz.
More So Binge Harry Potter quizzes:
- Harry Potter and the Philosophers Stone Quiz
- Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Quiz
- Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Quiz
- Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Quiz
Question of
Which teams competed in the Quidditch World Cup Final?
Ireland vs. Bulgaria
Finland vs. Bulgaria
Australia vs. Bulgaria
Holland vs. Bulgaria
Question of
The final score in the 422nd Quidditch World Cup was what?
170 – 160
180 – 170
160 – 150
150 – 140
Question of
How do Fred and George try to put their name into the Goblet of Fire?
Aging Potion
Fishing Rod
Invisibility Cloak
Question of
Which of these is an unforgivable curse?
Question of
What did Harry use for the second charm?
Water Breathing Charm
Transfiguration Magic
Question of
Name the tabloid reporter who upsets Hermione?
Rita Skeeter
Rita Repulsa
Rita Writer
Rita McIntire
Question of
What fruit had to be tickled to gain access to the kitchens?
Question of
Who was Ron’s date for the Yule Ball?
Padma Patil
Parvati Patil
Hermione Granger
Pansy Parkinson
Question of
How is Barty Crouch Sr.’s body hidden?
Turned into a bone
Buried underneath Hogwarts
Eaten by Spiders
Dissolved in acid
Question of
Who kills Cedric Diggory?
Severus Snape
Barty Crouch Jr
Question of
Who is the Ministry witch that goes missing?
Bertha Jorkins
Bathilda Bagshot
Dolores Umbridge
Narcissa Malfoy
Question of
Who steals Barty Crouch Sr.’s wand during the Quidditch World Cup?
Lucius Malfoy
Arthur Weasley
Question of
What do the Beauxbatons horses drink?
Single-Malt Whiskey
Question of
Who is head of The Department of Magical Games and Sports?
Ludo Bagman
Barty Crouch Sr.
Cornelius Fudge
Dolores Umbridge
Question of
What are the mascots of The Bulgarian Quidditch Team?
Question of
What does S.P.E.W stand for?
Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare
Society for the Promotion of Elves Wellbeing
Society for the Promotion of Elf Wrondoing
Question of
Who is the champion for Durmstrang?
Viktor Krum
Igor Karkaroff
Cedric Diggory
Seamus Finnigan
Question of
What does Dobby give Harry for Christmas?
Mismatched Socks
A wool scarf
A beanie
Question of
What does Hermione discover about Rita Skeeter?
She is an unregistered Animagus
She is related to Dumbledore
She has an invisibility cloak
She is a squib
Question of
What dragon does Fleur get?
Common Welsh Green
Hungarian Horntail
Chinese Fireball
Swedish Short-Snout
Question of
What date is the Yule Ball held?
25th of December
24th of December
1st of January
31st of December
Question of
Who directed Goblet of Fire?
Mike Newell
David Yates
Chris Columbus
Alan Rickman