The newest Sexy Beasts clip raising even more eyebrows.
In just under a week Sexy Beasts is set to arrive on Netflix as the newest dating show unlike anything you’ve ever seen before – we’re still not too sure how to feel about it.
What is Sexy Beasts
If you haven’t heard anything about it, here’s the concept:
The new show is taking blind dating to a whole new extreme, featuring a group of ‘sexy singles’ transformed with elaborate prosthetic masks and placed on dates in a bid to test their ability to fall in love with someone based on personality alone. It can really only be described as a strange mix of masked singer meets love is blind.
The initial trailer was bizarre, to say the least, and left many of us wondering if Netflix had actually lost the plot.
Now we have some brand new footage to cringe over, and it’s not doing it any further favours. This might be the stuff of my nightmares.
Watch: Latest Sexy Beasts Sneak Peek
The new clip is a preview of one of the shows elimination rounds.
We see a panda decide who she would like to join her on a second date, and she’s absolutely spoilt for choice with an ox named Josh, a tin man named Ethan and what I am assuming is meant to be some kind of alien named Tyler who’s apparently a bit of a ladies man, although I just don’t see it.
How will the episodes work?
Each episode will feature four different daters all transformed into weird and wacky creatures of course.
One person holds the power as the chooser. They can choose from three potential love matches who they then take out on a date in the real world (while earning some puzzled stares from the public).
Once their dates are over the chooser decides on one of the three to be their love match based on compatibility.
At this point, all their faces are revealed, although I doubt you could be disappointed with anyone’s appearance after looking at their disturbing prosthetic mask for a few hours.
Sexy Beasts Origin
Surprisingly, it’s actually not the first we’ve seen of this show.
It originally started as a British dating show in 2014. Lion Television is the original producer, and Netflix has now commissioned them to create a new version this year.
Sexy Beasts Netflix Release Date
Sexy Beasts will premiere on Netflix on July 21st. Will you be tuning in?
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