Time to test your midi-chlorians levels with our ultimate Star Wars quiz.
We have developed 30 questions that will test even Master Yoda himself from Episode I through to Episode IX.
Will you discover you have the force within and a high midi-chlorians count or will you be considered human. FYI yes we know midi-chlorians aren’t measured through a quiz, but for the sake of fun and this quiz – lets for a second use this quiz as a formula to identify the Jedi powers within you.
What to expect in our ultimate Star Wars quiz
Have you memorised the opening crawls for each movie?
Do you know all the important quotes?
Have you been paying attention to the supporting characters?
The main question that needs to be asked though, once you discover your newfound Jedi powers will you use them for good or for bad?
Play now and don’t forget to share and challenge your friends!
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