Viral TikTok parking video suggests we are all idiots and that we have been parking wrong for ALL these years!
So you think you know how to park? Well, think again.
A man has taken to Tik Tok showing us how we have all apparently been using parking spaces wrong.
@bigbruva_77 explains in the video how we could be using the spaces more economically by parking on the line instead of in ‘the middle’ of the bay…..mind blown.
The video shows cars parked on the white line leaving even spaces between them. If everyone started parking like this, would it work?
Long gone would be the days of squeezing through the tiny crack in your car door so you don’t hit the car next to you. So what’s the verdict?
Let’s have a look at some of the comments:
It seems not everyone is so convinced, but some are still praising it’s genius.
What’s your take?
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