The prodigal series returns! Our cherished future-animated sitcom, Futurama, is making its triumphant comeback with its 11th season set to launch on Disney+ on July 24, 2023. Comprising 10 episodes, the forthcoming season will continue the saga from where it was left hanging in 2013.
Watch: Futurama Final Episode
Despite the world undergoing significant transformations since Futurama’s previous airings, the show’s trademark comedic genius remains untouched. With a promise of the customary satirical sci-fi, razor-sharp humor, and insightful social commentary, the new season is bound to be a laughter riot.
Here’s a comprehensive rundown on everything you should know about Futurama Season 11:
Futurama Season 11 Release Date
Brace yourself for the return of your favourite intergalactic crew, with the new season dropping on Disney+ on July 24, 2023.
Futurama Season 11 will consists of 10 episodes packed with hilarity and adventure.
The Cast
The ensemble cast from the original series is reprising their roles in the new season, featuring Billy West as Fry, Katey Sagal as Leela, John DiMaggio as Bender, and Tress MacNeille as Amy.
The Plot
The storyline resumes from the cliffhanger in 2013, chronicling the zany escapades of Fry, Leela, Bender, and the rest of the Planet Express crew in the 31st century.
Extra Scoop on Season 11
Helmed by 20th Television Animation, with Matt Groening and David X. Cohen overseeing as executive producers, the upcoming season is shaping up to be a spectacular event. The creative minds behind the show have expressed their excitement about delving into contemporary issues like the ascension of artificial intelligence, the evolution of work, and climate change implications through their unique 31st-century lens.
Watch: Futurama Season 11 Sneak Peek
The sneak peek for the new season has already created a stir among fans, featuring a number of familiar characters such as Fry, Leela, Bender, Zoidberg, and the Professor. The trailer also alludes to potential new characters and plots, like a journey to the Amazonian planet and a showdown with a legion of malevolent robots.
Set a reminder for July 24, and prepare yourself for the grand return of Futurama.
Stream Futurama now on Disney+.