All Time Best Movies Of The 1980s
From 1980 to 1989 we have created the ultimate guide to the best movies of the 1980s – showcasing ‘Top 10’ movies from each year.
From Star Wars to Scarface to Ferris Bueller to E.T the 80s had some incredible movies that have stood the test of time.
Top 10 Movies Of The 1980s
Browse our Top 10 1980s movies lists below to relive the greatest flicks and best of all where to stream each movie so you can have yourself a 1980s movie marathon.
Ranking the best movies released in 1980.
Ranking the best movies released in 1981.
Ranking the greatest movies of 1982
Ranking the best movies of 1983.
We rank the best movies of 1984.
The best movies of 1985 ranked.
Ranking the best movies of 1986
Ranking the best movies of 1987
The best movies of 1988 ranked
Rating the best movies of 1989
Relive the magic of the 80s
Join the conversation and relive the best of the 1980s with our dedicated So 80s | Movies, TV & Music Facebook Group. A group for the kids (and big kids) of the 80s to relive their favourite 80s movies, TV shows and music. Share recommendations, MEMEs, GIFs, quotes, news, quizzes and much more.