Sing 3, the third instalment of Illumination’s animated film franchise, has been the talk of the town among fans. The original movie that started it all centres around Buster Moon, the owner of Moon Theater, who conducts a singing competition show to save his theatre from foreclosure. The success of the show saves his theatre and the contestants become members of his troupe.
Illumination, the studio behind the franchise, has officially announced the sequel, as reported by The Direct. The article suggests that the story of Sing 3 will pick up from where the second movie left off. Buster, Rosita, Johnny, and the rest of the gang successfully put on a show, recruit star lion Clay Calloway out of retirement, and place media mogul Jimmy Crystal behind bars.
Sing 3 Release Date
While the movie is still in development, there is currently no official Sing 3 release date.
Sing 3 is the highly anticipated sequel to the successful animated movies Sing and Sing 2. When is the Sing 3 release date? The movie is still in development, and there is no official release date announced by Illumination. However, based on previous release timelines, we may have to wait a fair while before Sing 3 arrives in the cinemas.
The first movie, Sing, was released in 2016, and the second movie, Sing 2, was released in late 2021. It took Sing 2 five years to get released, however, the COVID-19 pandemic affected the production and release schedules of many movies, including Sing 2. The second film of the franchise was scheduled to release on December 25, 2020, and July 2, 2021, but was postponed due to the pandemic in both instances.
Sing 3 Cast and Characters
Returning Cast
Sing 3 is expected to bring back some of the beloved characters from the previous two movies. The main protagonist, Buster Moon, played by Matthew McConaughey, will likely return to lead the cast. Rosita, the overworked pig mother of 25 piglets, voiced by Reese Witherspoon, is also expected to make a comeback. The talented porcupine Ash, played by Scarlett Johansson, and the shy elephant Meena, voiced by Tori Kelly, are also likely to return to the stage.
New Additions
While the production team has not officially announced the new cast members, there are speculations that the movie will introduce new characters to the franchise. Given the success of the previous movies, it is expected that the new additions will be just as entertaining and memorable as the original cast.
Sing 3 Plot Speculations
While there is no official plot announcement for the movie, we can speculate on what might happen based on the previous movies and the hints dropped by the creators.
One possibility is that the movie will continue the story of Buster and his troupe, as they face new challenges and opportunities. In Sing 2, we saw Buster and his team travel to Redshore City to participate in a singing competition. The movie ended with the troupe returning to their hometown, triumphantly. It is possible that Sing 3 will pick up from where Sing 2 left off and explore the aftermath of the competition.
Another possibility is that the movie will introduce new characters and storylines. Sing 2 introduced several new characters, including Clay Calloway, a reclusive rock star, and Porsha Crystal, a pop diva. It is possible that Sing 3 will introduce more new characters and explore their stories. The creators of the movie have hinted that they want to explore the theme of “finding your voice” in the next movie, which suggests that new characters might play a significant role.